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i played this game back in 2018 when i was 19 which was Quite a time in my life especially gender wise and i felt like it perfectly captured thing i could not figure out the answers to. also getting to use it/its pronouns in some way awakened further feelings abt gendered i didnt realize i needed to open up. i can say this game definitely kickstarted something in my brain thats permantely changed the way i think about my gender for the better so, i still get lots of feeling about this game 6 years later

thank you for this very sweet comment 🖤🖤🖤

well well well... after purchasing this game 5 years ago, yesterday I finally decided to give it a go, even though I'm not into pronouns, I still enjoyed this game a little, the characters look good(seeing them from screenshots is literally why I purchased this), the story was fine, it was a little short which is never a bad thing for imo(unlike other people I actually like short stories), I actually didn't like all the repeating static noise at the beginning, I'm more of a fan of a nice sweet melody, maybe a guitar riff of a classic piano piece(I think the Idea is clear).

well  I don't know what else is there to say, was it the worst VN I have ever played? definitely no. are there better ones out there? absolutely. 

all in  all it's a solid attempt of making a VN about gender and pronouns, and also the $6.66 is asking for a little too much, I have seen better products on Itch for way less.


What a beautiful game that y'all have made! It touched my trans & nonbinary heart <3


thank you so much!


Loved this game a ton-- I felt BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY in my heart. Just wanted you to know that this was required playing in my college course as well... you're academically relevant!

i'm so glad you enjoyed!! who's your professor? i know a couple academics who teach genderwrecked so i'm curious whether it's someone i know. thank you!


Dude I loved this game so much I straight up wrote an essay about it for a college final. This is a really beautiful game and really insightful and I got a good grade so :) the trans community stays winning. Thank you!

oh hell yes congrats on the good grade!! i would love to read your essay if you want to share, my email is 😊

(1 edit) (+2)

I am honestly flabberghasted. This really made me rethink how current society views GENDER, not as something deep and personal but more like a determined category that means something for some reason. 

I honestly really, really want to view GENDER in the more individual way, the monstrosity of it, the way the designs reflected the characters as people (and not people, shout out to * *). 

I copied it yesterday after playing the demo through once, honestly i was already sold on the tagline. I initially copied it so i could show it to all the gay ass mfs that go to my boarding school (SPOILERS: they got the mark ending). But after playing it once i really just had to go through it again. thinking about the characters and deepending my understanding of GENDER.

Maybe the real GENDER really was the friends we made along the way.

i have also been looking at a few of your other projects. Keep up the good work ryan. 

sincerely: some monsterous autist.

PS: i could definitely see a neurodivergent reading somewhere in here, but maybe thats just beacuse of the correleation between neurodivergence and gayness.

thank you so much for this lovely thoughtful comment! you are most definitely on base with the neurodivergent reading too 😊


i finally got around to playing this game, and god, what a beautifully written story about what we could become. community does exist outside of oppression, and GENDER, as unique as it is to everyone, is something we are all connected by.

i cried btw. with everything going on in the us right now, this game took me by the hand and said "you will always find love and peace. you will be okay. we will be okay." i'm gonna share it with every one of my genderwrecked friends.

😭😭😭 what a sweet comment!! sending so much love to you and yours 💞

it didn't help me, but it was made well


this is something I really needed to play, right now. I love the affirmation in identifying with the monstrous. talking to Lucy and Maggie was my favourite part. Lucy especially speaks to what I think I've been grappling with, I love what she says about changing her outside to match her inside. That's exactly what I need, too. Thank you for making this beautiful game.


i missed this comment until now but thank YOU so much! i'm glad you found something in our game 💞


So cool!!!! this is a required game for my queer game studies class!!!! I enjoyed it a lot


ooh is that with dr teddy pozo? glad you enjoyed!!


im obsessed i love this game, my perception on gender has been modified bc of this game

the art is very cool and detailed, and the dialogue makes me pass out, i love it, it's literally amazing. 10/10 game, i maybe teared up a bit from this. 

(thanks for blessing me with robot dad)

ahh thank you so much this is so sweet!! 10/10 comment :)


this game has been obsessing me since i first found out about it around a year ago, i've been reading through it over and over again and sharing it with all my friends and community members
i also find it really sweet how you took time to answer every single comment on this page so far, thank you so much for your work and dedication! <3


aww thank YOU so much for this sweet comment!! it means a lot to hear from y'all and i'm so glad our game stuck with you <3


this game wormed its way into my brain and said "we're going to be okay." i haven't stopped sobbing since. pls i love it and you sm <33

thank you so much!! we love you too <3


this was funny and really enjoyable..and .so incredibly beautiful....i'm crying rn....i dont think i have anything else to say



I once played this game at a video game convention at a museum near DC! I have been looking everywhere for it since and I am so ecstatic to have found it. 

was that the smithsonian american art museum arcade in summer 2019?? i'm so glad you found us again!

(1 edit) (+1)

Never before have my views on gender been so perfectly described. I still don't understand it, or know why I care so much about understanding it, but at least I know I'm not alone. But that's just the message I got from it. You may find a different meaning. 

Edit: nvm I think I found a good definition of gender. This game works wonders.


thank you so much, i'm glad our game spoke to you!


I think I fucked a tree....

It's so hard to end videos to make this a series, I just want to keep reading more! Exactly my type of humor, the writing is so well done and the art is GORGEOUS. Go read this one, because it's absolutely been worth it so far.

thank you so much!!


I wish I had something coherent and poetic to say about this game, but it's now living permanently in the space I used to use for thinking. A huge win for the intersection between genderfluid furries and dad enjoyers. Can't recommend it enough :3


thank you!!


Such an amazing game, I loved every second of it and it has become one of my favourite games ever! I felt so at home and comforted by all of this game and just would recommend it to everyone!


thank you so much, that's so sweet!!


I was looking forward to playing this game, and it still somehow exceeded my expectations. I think I'm going to be thinking about this game for the next few days




honestly, i didnt know what to expect from opening this game, it just seemed fun in concept but after playing it i want to say: you made the perfect game to make us monsters feel together, thank you :)  -  a wandering nonbinary asexual


aw i'm so glad! much love :)


Love this game so far but 0/10 its railroading me into kissing someone i wouldn't want to (jk on 0/10 but its, like, annoying bordering on slightly (slightly) upsetting i do not desire to kiss any dads. I wouldn't even ask if I could. My orientation is dadn't sdfhgsdknj).


aw i'm really sorry it's upsetting, but also you don't have to kiss any characters you don't want to! two character routes require you to *ask* if you can kiss them but you can opt out of the actual kissing


aye! i kinda figured that. more an immersion thing than anything, i'm not overly upset dfsasd.  coolass game anyways!


thank you!


after spending a week at home getting misgendered and having to explain over and over again to my mom that im not a girl, this game made me feel like i could breathe again. it made me feel like im not so alone. like there are other people who get what im feeling. i cant wait to play it again. thank you so much for this.


i'm so glad we could give you some relief. take care <3


This game was amazing, from Larry to Jolene the Tree, the characters were so lovable and unique and their dialogue was really charming! I found myself the proud parent of 159 MEATY BOYS! It has just the right amount of ambiguity and open-endedness that really lets the world breathe and live. Awesome stuff!


thank you so much, glad you enjoyed!!


I ADORED this game... The gender euphoria from being able to choose it/its pronouns for myself was amazing!! Thank you so much


aw thanks so much, glad you enjoyed!


aa the demo was amazing, can't get the full one but the art and writing and character design was so fresh and awesome!


thank you!! if the problem is not being able to afford it you can send me an email at and i can hook you up with a download key :)


Thank you so much for making this. I love it!


aw thank YOU!!


I can only play the demo rn but it looks so good!!!! I love the aesthetic and the humour. Your art style is also sooo rad


thanks so much!!


i love this! the art is so pretty. i cant buy the full game, but what ive seen so far is really good! 


thanks so much! if you can't afford the full game you can always email me at and i can get you hooked up with a download :)


This game was so much fun and so sweet!  Thanks for making it!


aww thank you!!


Thank you for making this. I plan on purchasing it as soon as I can afford it.


thank you, i hope you enjoy :)


Thank you, this was exactly what I needed to hear.




this was an really great experience and I felt *seen*, and also it's AMAZINGLY sweet considering how terrifying everything looks. It's short but one of those things that gives you a lot to think about afterwards. Thank you so much for making this <3


thank YOU for playing and for this lovely comment <3


right? :D


just played the demo and oh my god i loved it . i'm so sorry i can't afford to buy the whole thing and support the creator because it's made me so happy , as a violently genderqueer person myself this has made me feel so seen thank you for making this i'm really sorry i can't support you


aw hey no worries, glad you enjoyed! 🖤


I played the demo and just loved it!! If I was able to get the full game I would bc I LOVE what I see


why can't you get the full game? email me at, i can send you a download.



thank you for this gift 🙏🌲


i loved every second of this and what it stood for. it made me feel more seen than i think anything else has yet. thank you to all of you


thank YOU so much, i'm so glad you felt seen <3


thank you for making this game. it really got to me in a deep way. i have been struggling a lot this year with my own gender. i haven't figured it out at all but this helped me feel closer i think. i am going to be on my quest for a while, i think, but this certainly helped me feel understood and seen. thanks again i loved this game xoxo


i'm really happy to hear GW helped you, and thank you for this very sweet comment :)


man i wish i could get the full game, but i loved the demo!


email me at if you can't afford it, i'll send you a download

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